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University of Wisconsin–Madison

Browse the editorial styleguide A–Z

off campus (adverb), off-campus (adjective)
open when used as an adverb; hyphenated when used as an adjective
Office of Admissions and Recruitment
admissions office is acceptable on subsequent references
Office of Student Assistance and Support (formerly Dean of Students Office)
The Office of Student Assistance and Support is a primary resource for students navigating personal, academic, or health issues to get the help they need. Formerly called the Dean of Students Office, the office was renamed in June 2024 to better reflect its mission. Its function and structure remain the same.
Office of the Chancellor
chancellor’s office is acceptable on subsequent references
Office of the Provost
provost’s office is acceptable on subsequent references
Ohio State University
Do not include the or The before the name of the institution.
not OK, O.K., ok, or o.k
on campus (adverb), on-campus (adjective)
open when used as adverb; hyphenated when used as adjective
On Wisconsin magazine
“magazine” is lowercase roman; On Wisconsin magazine, originally called The Wisconsin Alumni Magazine, was first published in 1899; its name changed several times, from The Wisconsin Alumnus to just Wisconsin Alumnus to Wisconsin Alumni to On Wisconsin magazine
On, Wisconsin!
this beloved expression comes from the UW’s beloved fight song; it includes a comma because it’s a form of direct address; when it’s run into a longer sentence such as Thanks, and on, Wisconsin!, the on becomes lowercase
One Alumni Place
part of the Martin and Florence Below Alumni Center; it opens on to Alumni Park; also referred to as the One Alumni Place Visitor Center
one-time, onetime
one-time refers to something that happened only once; onetime means former
closed, no hyphen
over, more than
see more than, over